"I love you", the most stupendous human invention since the tie, yes we all love getting choked . These three words when put together can destroy your life as you know it. It can complicate things beyond repair. It can turn a satisfying romp into an excruciating futile dwindling talk into the search for a theory of everything, maybe it was love that made Hawking write that book.
Ah, sweet love, the mother of agony, pain and blind belief. Love was made up by playwrights and screenplay writers to earn their daily bread much the same way religious bodies invented god (go on condemn me I am an atheist, actually agnostic, which is a euphemism for being an atheist). It it as ubiquitous as rain in the monsoons and equally reliable too.
This might come as a shock to most of us but there are quite a few people out there, who regurgitate everything the world throws at them each morning. Such a person is oblivious to the existence of grays, somehow everything seems black or white. Such people end up living their mediocre lives in mediocre houses and give birth to mediocre children and entertain their mediocre friends every Sunday with mediocre finger food. And they believe, in love, god and the promise of heaven, for to think otherwise is blasphemy, a taboo, in other words for them to think, is doing the unthinkable.
Why? Why dematerialize your most basic instinct to be something more meaningful, why should everything have an attached meaning, and even if it did, why let someone else choose your ideals for you? Why should the choice already be made?
Ah, sweet love, the mother of agony, pain and blind belief. Love was made up by playwrights and screenplay writers to earn their daily bread much the same way religious bodies invented god (go on condemn me I am an atheist, actually agnostic, which is a euphemism for being an atheist). It it as ubiquitous as rain in the monsoons and equally reliable too.
This might come as a shock to most of us but there are quite a few people out there, who regurgitate everything the world throws at them each morning. Such a person is oblivious to the existence of grays, somehow everything seems black or white. Such people end up living their mediocre lives in mediocre houses and give birth to mediocre children and entertain their mediocre friends every Sunday with mediocre finger food. And they believe, in love, god and the promise of heaven, for to think otherwise is blasphemy, a taboo, in other words for them to think, is doing the unthinkable.
Why? Why dematerialize your most basic instinct to be something more meaningful, why should everything have an attached meaning, and even if it did, why let someone else choose your ideals for you? Why should the choice already be made?