The world is full of self help books, how to be a better dad, how to become a millionaire, how to seduce the opposite sex and who can forget, how to get 6 pack abs. The latter adorns at least one fitness/lifestyle magazine every month. It just makes me wonder if these books did really help anyone but the coffers of the publishers and the authors.
These books would in theory work if one changed certain things about oneself. Maybe diet, exercise, behaviour but mostly change oneself to think differently and behave differently consequently becoming a different person.
That may sound probable if not at least possible.
We are a sum of our yesterdays. Everything we are from how we feel a certain thing tastes to how we react to different situations is an amalgamation of what we have experienced. These experiences are connected with each other through the glue of logic or faith, which together forms our set of beliefs and passions.
There are many reasons why I think reverse engineering oneself, without the forethought of building an experience to modify one's thought process subconsciously or a time machine to go back in time to change what caused the unwanted behaviour, is ambitious to grossly understate it.
Everyone wants to change but most can't. To become someone else one has to live a different life. If you do what you always have, you will always get what you've always got.